दहावी नंतर काय? 11वी, 12वी की डिप्लोमा कोर्सेस नेमकं करायचं काय ? संपूर्ण करिअर मार्गदर्शन.

Career Guidance : दहावी नंतर काय?  हा प्रश्न प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी तसेच त्यांच्या पालकांना पडतो. 10 वी.  पास झाल्या नंतर पुढील शिक्षण कोणते घ्यावे?  याबाबत विद्यार्थ्यांना बऱ्याच वेळा समजत नाही. पुढे उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षण घावे की इतर काही कोर्सेस करावेत याबाबत नेहमी गोंधळ उडतो, म्हणून या सगळ्या बाबी लाक्षत घेवून आम्ही दहावी नंतर काय?  ” – करिअर गाईडन्स म्हणून टप्या टप्प्याने मार्गदर्शनपर महत्वपूर्ण माहितीचे लेख प्रकाशित करीत आहोत, जे तुम्हांला ” दहावी नंतर काय?  ” या प्रश्नाचे अचूक उत्तर देतील. 

Career Guidance

  part – 1


Diploma in Engincering is a great option of your want to pursue technical education and start working early. 

Strengthen your technical qualifications by pursuing advanced technical programmers like diploma in engineering .

It is also advantageours for students who wish to skip rigorous engineering entrance exams like JEE yet want to pursue B. Tech. After completing yourr Diploma, you can apply for B. Tech lateral entry in reputed engineering colleges through state-level entrance exams that juesa admission in B. Tech second year. 

Courses Duration :- 

3 years after Passing Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or its equivalent, with at least 35% aggregate marks (Maths /Mathematics) (Code 71) and Science & Technology (Code 72) are only eligible). Or 2 years after Passing 12th Standard examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects along with one of the Mathematics/Biology (Botany nad Zoology), or 12th Science (with Mathematics as one of the Subject) or 12th Science with Vocational or 12th Science with Techmical or Standard 10th + (2 years ITI) with appropriate Trade from a recognized institution. 

List of Courses :- 

1. Diploma in Computer Science. 

2. Diploma in Civil Engincering 

3. Diploma in Electrical Engineering 

4. Diploms in Electronics and Teleconmmunication Engineering 

5. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 

6. Diploma in Production Engineering.

7. Diploma in instrumentation Engineering. 

7. Diploma in information Technology Engineering. 

8. Diploma in Chemical Engineering and many more, 

Job Opportunities after Diploma in Engineering

There are various job opportunities after pursuing a diploma in engineering. Some of the good colleges also after ecampus placement opportunities after the programme. Various goverment organizations also offer roles for individuals who hold a diploma in engineering.  

There are some of the organizations that hire engineering diploma holders: 

1.Indian Railways  

2. Power Grid 

3. BHEL 

4. Electricity Department 

5. BEL and NTPC 

12th Science 

Science has been one of the most popular streams of study amongst students. It’s the stream leading up to popular courses including Engineering, Medicine and allied disciplines. Options of couses after 12th for Science students are huge. Science students can also choose to take up further studies in pure sciences or applied sciences at graduation and post graduation levels. There are several professional careers that require Science at 10 + 2 level. For instance, career as a commerical pilot. One of the major benefits thtat only Sejence students have over Arts and Commerce students is that they are eligiible for almost all Science as well as Non-Science career options, which is not the case with Arts and Commerce students, AFter passing 10+2 in Science, course slection at UG level becomes a major turning point to give direction to one’s career. Thus, it must be an informed decision with good understanding of the course one is opting for. In this article we will take a look at some of the most popular course options one could opt for after pursuing 10+2 Science. The decision making starts after Class X, when Science students need to choose their subject combination wisely. While Physics adn Chemistry remain constant, students can either choose Mathematics of Biology or both.

 Mechanical Engineers

Engineers specialize in different Engineers of engineering. They work in designing, planning large structures, maintenance, production or testing of machines and equipment used in different Sectors. Many engineers study management where the engineering background facilitates the Marketing process and installation planning engineering goods.

Course Duration :- 4 years (After 12th)

                                3 years (After Diploma) 

Std XII Stream :- Science 

Mandatory Subjects :- Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry 

Group Qualifying Criteria :- Physics and mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry or Biotechnology or Biology or Technical Vocational sujbects and obtained at lest 50% marks for Open category Candidates and at least 45% marks, in case of Backward class categories and Persons with Disability candidates in the above subjects taken togetyerl 

Career Interest :- Mechanical, Scientific 

Entrance Exam :- MHTCET, JEE mains (Affilliated and autonomous Engineering colleges), JEE-Advanced (IIT and NIT )

B. Tech. Civil Engineering 

Civil Engineers are concermed with planning, investigation, survey, design, supervision, and all work connected with construction. They specialize in structural engineering, water management engineering, highway engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, or environmental engineering. 

Academic Difficulty : Medium 

Opportunities : – Civil engineers are employed in the public and private sectors in large numbers in al branches of design, construction, maintenance of roads, highways, bridges, dams, canals, docks, airports, housing complexes adn in enviroment management etc. 

Salary :- 1.7 Lakh to 8.5 Lakhs per annum.

B. Tech. Electrical Engineers 

Electrical Engineers: are involved in the manufacturing of electrical equipment such as on equipment, electric mottors, radar and navigation system and communication systems, electrical systems of automobiles, ships and aircrafts. 

Academic Difficulty :- Medium 

Opportunities :- Electrical engineers find employment with organization dealing with generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy, They work in the manufacturing industry, design electrical machinery and equipment and overse their operation. They are employed in high powered electrical generating stations, design and construetion of power plants and in industries manufacturing industrial machinery. 

Salary :- 1.43 Lakh to 8.02 Lakhs per annum. 

B. Tech. Mechanical Engineers 

Machanical Engineers design, operate and maintain machines, components, machine tools, manufacturing systems and processes, components of thermal power stations, solar energy, air conditioning and refrigeration and industrial engineering. They are involved in both the fundamental and applied aspects of these areas. 

Academic Difficulty : Medium

Opportunities : – Mechanical engineers are employed in almost every sector o the industry. Some of the largest areas of employment are machine tools, railway engineering, aerospace, the automobile industry and power plants.

 Salary :- 1.43 Lakh to 9.02 Lakhs per annum. 

B. Tech. Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers 

Electronic Engineers are concerned with electronic components, integrated circuits and microprocessors. They design, fabricate, test, maintain and supervise the manufacture of electronic equipments. Telecommunication Engineers deal with communication systems e. g. cables, radio, satellite, communications, TV, Radar, navigational communications equipments, all types of information and transmission networks. 

Academic Difficulty : Medium 

Opportunities : Electronic Engineering – Electronic engineers are employed in industries manufacturing electronic equipment research and development, and in places where electronic equipments are extensively used, e.g. television and radio, aerospace industry, automobile industry, computer based industries. Marketing and sales jobs for electronic products are another option. Electronic engineers who specialize in biomedical equipment find employment with bioengineering industries.

Telecommunication Engineering – 

Telecommunication engineers work with the defense services, in the broadcasting sector, electronic / mass communication sector, with the Goverment as well as the manufacturing industry. 

B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineers Compute Engineers design, manufacture and maintain computer hardware and computer based information and control systems. 

Academic Difficulty :- Low 

Opportunities : In all IT .companies (National and International) 

Salary :- 2.00 Lakh to 10.02 Lakhs per annum. 

B. Tech. Instrumentation Engineers 

Instrumentation Engineering is a multidisciplinary field and a specialist branch of electrical and electronics engineering. It covers subjects from other engineering disciplines such as Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, As a discipline it is the science of measurement, control and automation of processes. 

Academic Difficulty – High 

Opportunities :- The demand for instrumentation engineer comes from user industries such as steel, chemical, fertilizer, refineries, power industry etc. as well as from research and development organization of defense, government and private sector. 

Salary :- 1.75 Lakh to 9.41 Lakhs per annum. 

B. Tech. Environmental Engineers 

Environmental Engineers use knowledge from several disciplines to protect the quality of the human environment-its air, water and land. This field embraces a wide field, from the ocean depths where marine resources must be preserved to the depletion of ozone layers in the upper atmosphere which poses a threat to life on earth. 

Academic Difficulty :- Low 

Opportunities : – Environmental engineers are required by government and industry both to monitor and control ongoing pollution and to anticipate and deao with the likely impact on the environment of proposed new projects- whether it be the construction of a new dam, a hotel or an industrial unit. Environmental Engineers are employed with industries dealing with recycled products and waste management. 

Salary :- 1.80 Lakh to 9.02 Lakhs per annum Salary :- 1.75 Lakh to 9.41 Lakhs per annum 

 B. Tech. Biomedical Engineers 

Biomedical engineers integrate the knowledge of biology and medicine to analyze and devise solutions for improving healthcare in terms of quality.

Opportunities : – Biomedical engineers are researchers and hence they work in laboratories to research ,design and fabricate materials used in medical diagnosis and treatment.

Salary :- 1.12 Lakh to 6.49 Lakhs per annum 

B. Tech. Chemical Engineer 

Chemical Engineers work out economically efficient, safe and environment friendly methods for production of chemicals on a large scale. Equipment for the processing of chemicals and related products such as plastic, pharmaceuticals, detergents, foodstuff etc. are also designed and maintained by Chemical Engineers. 

Academic Difficulty :- High 

The application of chemical engineering is Opportunities : – in diverse industries – e.g. in industries manufacturing paints, dyes, varnishes, drugs, acids petroleum, fertilizers, foods, dairy products. They may work in textile or plastic industry or even in glass or rubber industry. The application of this branch is extensive. 

Salary :- 1.76 Lakh to 12.3 Lakhs per annum 

B. Tech. Aeronautical Engineer 

Aeronautical engineers design, develop and maintain aircrafts to ensure high level of technical precision and safe operations. They work in close coordination with aircraft maintenance engineers and in-flight and maintenance teams.

Academic Difficulty :- High 

Opportunities :- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited emplove aerospace engineers. Employment in research and development is offered by the Defense Services DRDO for missile development, Indian Space Research Organization, Govermment laboratories and organizations concerned with the aviation industry, i. e. , Air India, Indian Air Lines etc. 

Salary :- 2.34 Lakh to 49.42 Lakhs per annum 

B. Tech. Marine Engineers 

Marine Engineers designs, research, survey, install and maintain marine vessels of all types and sizes. The job of running, maintenance and repair of engine rooms of sailling vessels both merchand and navy is carried out by marine engineers. Marine engineers also work as shore engineers to install, maintain cquipments used during loading and unloading of cargo and other dock machinery. 

Academic Difficulty :- High 

Opportunities :- Marine Engineers are in charge of the engine room on a ship. Inspect marine equipment and machinery on the ship to work out job specifications for maintenance staff. 

Salary :- 3.58 Lakh to 37.03 Lakhs per annum. 

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